Sunday, December 7, 2014

Where Are the People Going?

            In this chapter David Platt summarizes God’s plan to expand his kingdom. He says that as Christians we have the urgent responsibility to take the news about Jesus to everyone who is unreached or unengaged. The default for eternity is hell because God allows everyone to know him but we still sin as humans. The only way to go to heaven after death is to accept Jesus as the son of God, try to follow his teachings, and ask him to take our sin on himself. There are 1.5 billion people in the categories of unreached or unengaged that are going to hell if they are not reached by Christians and given the chance to know the full forgiveness of God.
            One thing that really convicted me was the fact that people who have never heard of Jesus have heard of Coca Cola. How is it that Christians are not effectively reaching people like this world business? Christians are called to take the gospel to the whole world and there is still much to be done. Every person who follows Jesus is required to do their part in this. For the future, I would like to take the gospel to people as I travel as a nurse. For now, I can pray for and support people who are already working to reach the unreached, and participate in missions endeavors hosted by my church for the community and around the world.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Sacrificial giving

            All too often people look to Jesus for advice about money, expecting that what they will hear is to be wise with their money according to cultural expectations. This is not what Jesus calls Christians too in the Bible. In the story of the rich young ruler, Jesus tells him to give up everything he owns to follow him. If this was how radical Jesus was in his time, how can Christians expect it to be different now? If we are truly looking to Jesus for advice about money, it will result in sacrificial giving, giving that will hurt. As a college student, I do not often feel like I have a lot to give, but I know that I am not giving sacrificially. The majority of the world does not have what I have, and Jesus calls for sacrifice, so I can give more money and time to the organizations and people I believe are following God’s will in ministry.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Disinfecting or Discipling?

            David Platt contrasts disinfecting and discipling Christians in his book Radical, by saying, “Whereas disinfecting Christians involves isolating them and teaching them to be good, discipling Christians involves propelling Christians into the world to risk their lives for the sake of others.” The difference is how people live their day to day lives and what they consider the goal of the church to be. The goal of the church for disinfection is to keep bad out and teach good to those in the church building. Discipleship involves Christ and his example of reaching out quietly and consistently in love in the Christian’s day to day encounters. The Bible shows that Jesus took the route of discipleship and with that pattern, changed the world.


            Platt is saying that Jesus needs individuals to have a relationship with him and become like him in their thoughts and actions. Jesus did not use programs and conferences to reach the masses, but disciple 12 men to think and act like him. I am not perfect like Jesus was on earth, but I follow his example. I would say that I am more in the position of a disciple right now, where people are teaching me to live like Jesus. I am not following Jesus’ example as effectively in the way of discipling other individuals and I need to make more of an effort to do so.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Pride, Grace, Glory

            Probably the biggest reason that I do not reach other people is because of pride. I want to do everything right the first time and do not want other people to see me mess up. I do not feel like I can share the gospel perfectly, and that keeps me from sharing it at all. To move past this, God is going to have to do a lot of work in me to humble me. I can also find a method of reaching people and sharing the gospel in a way that I am familiar with. As I hope to be a nurse when I graduate, I can reach people who are in the hospitals or clinics where I work. Even now, as a college student, I can reach people in love and share my testimony with them.
            When Platt talks about enjoying God’s grace he is saying that God created human beings to have an intimate relationship with him and directly benefit from his blessings in that relationship. Platt says that extending God’s glory is an extension of this relationship where we share the joy God’s grace with other people who have not experienced it.